July 31, 2023 Have you ever woken up on a beach?Once (4.17%)Many times (41.67%)Never (54.17%)Previous Polls July 28, 2023 What do you think of the summer weather so far?It’s been great (15.48%)It is an average summer (11.90%)It’s been a bit disappointing (50.00%)What summer? (22.62%)Previous Polls July 27, 2023 The Canadian Football League will play a regular season game on Saturday in Halifax.Do you feel there is enough interest in the Maritimes to have a team in the league?Yes (29.17%)No (50.00%)Only if there is an appropriate stadium first (20.83%)Previous Polls July 26, 2023 What is your favourite food from the Maritimes?Fiddleheads (2.78%)Dulse (2.78%)Scallops (5.56%)Blueberries (19.44%)Potatoes (11.11%)Oysters (2.78%)Lobster (33.33%)Donair (22.22%)Previous Polls July 25, 2023 What’s the worst thing about your job?The boss (11.63%)Favourtism (0.00%)No chance of promotion (2.33%)Lazy co-workers (23.26%)Boring (0.00%)The pay (2.33%)Having to show up (6.98%)Nothing- I love it (16.28%)Nothing- I don’t have a job (37.21%)Previous Polls July 24, 2023 How would you rate your internet service?Excellent (35.14%)Average (35.14%)Below average.It’s slow (18.92%)Poor (10.81%)Previous Polls July 21, 2023 Do you believe in love at first sight?Yes (80.00%)No (20.00%)Previous Polls July 20, 2023 Do you rinse your dishes before putting them in the dishwasher?Yes (66.67%)No (25.00%)Occasionally (8.33%)Previous Polls July 19, 2023 How much are you spending these days compared to a year ago?A lot more (66.67%)A bit more (20.00%)About the same (3.33%)A bit less (0.00%)Much less (10.00%)Previous Polls July 18, 2023 What’s the worst tasting vegetable?Artichoke (32.26%)Asparagus (6.45%)Broccoli (3.23%)Brussel Sprouts (19.35%)Cabbage (6.45%)Cauliflower (6.45%)Mushrooms (6.45%)Spinach (0.00%)Zucchini (3.23%)None, I like them all (16.13%)Previous Polls